Arvid Bodeen, eldest son of Mrs. C. A. Johnson of Coteau, died on Nov. 3rd at his home near Parshall, N. D., from acute Bright's disease.  He was born on Oct. 17th, 1889, and spent his boyhood in Kandiyohi county, Minnesota.  In 1899 he came to Coteau with his parents, and grew to manhood in Burke county.  He was married to Christine Reisberg, and shortly after moved to his homestead near Parshall, N.D., where he lived during the past seven years.  The deceased was well and favorably known here, and the news of his death came as a great surprise to all his old friends.  He leaves to mourn his death a loving wife and three children, Walter age 6, Clarence, age 5, and Allon age 2, his mother, Mrs. C. A. Johnson, two brothers, Victor, and Emil, four sisters, Hilda, Cora and Myrtle of Coteau and Mrs. G. E. McLaughlin of Niobe, N.D.


We wish to thank the kind neighbors and friends who so kindly gave us help and sympathy during the illness and death of our beloved husband, son and brother.  Especially do we wish to thank the ladies of Niobe who brought the many beautiful flowers at the funeral.

Mrs. Christine Bodeen and Children
Mrs. C. A. Johnson
Hilda, Cora, Emil and Myrtle Johnson.