Earache and complications proved fatal for Darold Bodeen and he passed away peacefully at the Deaconess Hospital, Kenmare, Wednesday, February 19th, at the age of 9 years, 5 months and 7 days.
He was born September 12, 1926, a twin son of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Bodeen. He attended Sunday School and public school at Coteau and was in the 4th grade.
He was a likable fellow, and will be sadly missed by all his playmates. He leaves to mourn his dismise, his parents, two brothers, Dale and Wayne, and one sister, Phyllis. One brother preceded him in death.
The funeral was held Sunday, February 23rd at Zion Lutheran Church in
Coteau with the Iev. G. H. Moritz officiating. The flower girls were
Marvis Thompson, Marlys Thompsaon, Virginia Satran, Lavonne Sorenson, Dona
Leene Erickson, Elna Olson. Pallbearers were Barton Melby, Devaine
Melby, Junior Ness, Robert Ness, Norman Briggs and Raymond Olson.
Two songs were sung by the school quartet, "Under His Wing," and "There
is No Night There." A solo "Safe In the Arms of Jesus," was sung
by his teacher, Miss Chandler. He was buried in the Zion cemetery.
We take this means of expressing our sincere thanks to all those who assisted us during the illness and death of our beloved son and brother.
Especially do we want to thank Rev. Moritz for his comforting words and to all who contributed the beatiful songs and flowers, to all of those who helped in any way. Your kindness will be long remembered.
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Bodeen
Dale and Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hoenhous.