MySpace Profile

This site has been set up to help other Bodeen's of Swedish (Svenska) descent trace their ancestry and to share family information. Also included on this site, are the hobbies of the author and additional genealogy on the maternal side of the author.  Use the table of contents in the left frame to navigate.

Surnames currenty being researched are:

Tyler and Courtney petting a 980 pound piggie named Spot at the Hollywood Circus in Rochester, NH on August 13, 2005

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Christmas 2004

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Halloween 2002

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Tyler and I playing in the water at Flagstaff Lake outside of Eustis, Maine.  It was our first camping trip as a family.

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My first car, a 1988 Honda Civic LX!  I traded her in February 2002, we had 264,000 miles together.

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Left to right: Scott Bodeen, Mark Munson, Brandon Kelly, Michael Drescher and Travis Martin.  We were the only male "upperclassmen" on the team, being only Sophomores, and we all made it to the Montana State Swim Meet.

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[IMG]"  Email me @